Monday, June 10, 2013


Wow, I can't believe this year is over already! I can't believe I'm going to be a junior! And also, sadly, I can't believe that I'll never be in this wonderful art class again. These past two years of art have been amazing, I've learned so much. This year in particular though. I can tell how much I've grown from last year by absolutely everything I do in class. I feel so much more advanced! Definitely, my favorite thing we did this year was the artist (I had Gustav Klimt)– tea set. It was really fun to try and recreate Gustav's "The Kiss" in clay form. When it finally came out of the kiln in all its glazed glory, I was amazed. No one else may think it's great, but it's my piece that I feel most proud of. I'm really excited for when we have our "tea party" at the end of the year to use my Klimt inspired tea set. Who can say that they've eaten and drunk out of a cup or plate of their own making?! It's preettty cool. So though I'm excited for this year to end (summer, duh!), I am going to really miss this class, and everyone in it, including you Mrs. Kiick. Thank you for being such a unique person. Wow, this post makes it sound like I'm graduating... anyway, goodbye art class, miss you!

Sunday, June 9, 2013