Monday, November 5, 2012

Reflecting Once Again

The first marking period is over already?! What?! At the same time... summer seems so long ago... And so much has already been accomplished in art class. I've finished a shoe drawing, a presidential collage, water-colored papers for a book, and even started the designing of our next project, paper lanterns. That's lot of things to do in just a two-month time span! Throughout this marking period I've been exploring new techniques of art. Many of them, I never even knew existed, let alone know how to do them! I also feel like I've grown in skill. Before doing my shoe drawing, I hated (and feared) drawing from life, but after the deed was done, I realized that it really wasn't so hard. If you just relax, it actually comes to you by itself! And with my collage, (truthfully after I had finished it), I realized that less decoration was the key to creating a powerful piece. Next year, I'll do that better. But now I know.

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